Cup of Tea Notecard Set by The Green Paintbrush


Cup of Tea Notecard Set by The Green Paintbrush


"Stand at the brink of the abyss of despair and when you cannot bear it any more, draw back a little and have a cup of tea".

This quote from the Elder Sophrony of Essex is bordered with lavender, chamomile, and cornflower-- inspired by a soothing cup of tea. Marian says, “I chose this quote because as I traveled through a season of loss, the trite phrases often available for those who are grieving seemed so inadequate. This quote, however, acknowledges the weight of sorrow while providing a gentle reminder to take care of yourself.” Perfect to send a friend or loved one, perhaps accompanied by a favorite tea or gift card for a coffee shop.

This set of 6 notecards is printed on thick, white card stock and comes with white envelopes made of recycled paper. Interior is blank, and the back has a small artist's logo on the bottom. This card set comes neatly packed in a white paper bag.

More from this artist can be found at

Design and illustration are original to the artist, Marian Adams.

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