Blessed Feast!
We wish you and your families a blessed feast of the Elevation of the Cross. We hope that you are able to celebrate by attending liturgy at your parish. This is such a beautiful communal feast!
We have created a printable workbook with activities, coloring pages, and a recipe for the festal week from Geraldine and Virginia. We hope that you enjoy it and that it is a blessing to your family. I’ve also put some links on this page of other great places to find activities for this feast. Our kids LOVE to decorate a cross at home with flowers and process around the cross and incense. It’s so easy, and the best part is that the kids can own it themselves by decorating or processing whatever way they choose.
DRAW NEAR DESIGNS PINTEREST PAGE: We have a whole board with activities, podcasts, and recipes for this feast!
PAROUSIA PRESS BLOG: Parousia Press has FANTASTIC resources for every feast. Check out their blog for any activity, book, or video
ASCETIC LIFE OF MOTHERHOOD BLOG: Kh. Destinie’s guide for September has lots of activities and recipes for the Feast of the Cross
ORTHODOX PEBBLES: Natalie has crafted beautiful resources for kids of all ages on her website. My children LOVE to cut out and work with the paper figures she makes to illustrate this feast. It really helps them understand that these things happened to real Christians!