Pascha Basket Ideas

Pascha is quickly approaching! We’ve gathered up some of our favorite products for different age groups and made some sample baskets for you and your crew! We’ve linked all the products below.




Christmas 2023 Gift Guide

We have compiled a list of gift ideas from our shop that we think would be perfect for certain age groups! Take a look for some gift ideas to get you into the spirit. Just click the links in the text below each picture to find your items!

YIA YIA / BABA’S GIFT BUNDLE: Prosforon Necklace // Festal Foods Tea Towel // Koliva Stencil

Pascha Basket Gift Guide #2

We’re back with more Pascha Basket ideas! This post features more ideas for Yia Yias/Babas, teens, moms, and young adults. Just click the text for the items you’d like to learn more about. Good Strength!





Pascha Basket Gift Guide

As we are nearing Pascha, we have compiled a list of Pascha Basket ideas from our shop. We’ve tried to compile a basket for several different ages, so we hope this will make shopping for this holiday a bit easier. Simply click on the text below each picture to be sent to your favorite items. We wish you good strength for the remaining time of Lent!





Orthodox Saints Valentines - Free Printable!

It’s February!

St. Valentine’s Day decorations are everywhere and schools are gearing up for Valentine’s Day parties. We couldn’t help but thinking that we’d much rather have saintly valentines rather than Disney or cartoon valentines, so we created some! With silly and loving phrases, we think you and your kids will just love these.

To print: Download the file you your computer and select Print. Then select “double-sided print.” Some printers don’t have this option, so you’ll have to print every other page and then flip the pages over and put them back in the printer before printing the backs.

We hope you enjoy them!

For even more St. Valentine’s Day fun, check out our newest St. Valentine Snuggly Saint doll!


Blessed Feast!

We wish you and your families a blessed feast of the Elevation of the Cross. We hope that you are able to celebrate by attending liturgy at your parish. This is such a beautiful communal feast!

We have created a printable workbook with activities, coloring pages, and a recipe for the festal week from Geraldine and Virginia. We hope that you enjoy it and that it is a blessing to your family. I’ve also put some links on this page of other great places to find activities for this feast. Our kids LOVE to decorate a cross at home with flowers and process around the cross and incense. It’s so easy, and the best part is that the kids can own it themselves by decorating or processing whatever way they choose.


DRAW NEAR DESIGNS PINTEREST PAGE: We have a whole board with activities, podcasts, and recipes for this feast!

PAROUSIA PRESS BLOG: Parousia Press has FANTASTIC resources for every feast. Check out their blog for any activity, book, or video

ASCETIC LIFE OF MOTHERHOOD BLOG: Kh. Destinie’s guide for September has lots of activities and recipes for the Feast of the Cross

ORTHODOX PEBBLES: Natalie has crafted beautiful resources for kids of all ages on her website. My children LOVE to cut out and work with the paper figures she makes to illustrate this feast. It really helps them understand that these things happened to real Christians!

We hope you enjoy all of these resources and that you are able to learn more about this feast and God’s great love for us through these activities!

-Caroline and Marian


Interested in learning more about iconography? Great!

Here are some resources that we found useful when learning about icons along with some websites recommended to us by iconographers. We hope that they are useful to you as you dive into this beautiful part of our faith. Videos and links for younger kids are at the top of the page and resources for older kids and adults are at the bottom of the page.



A short animation to help teach young Orthodox Christian children about holy icons.



In this new 5-video series from the Office of Religious Education of the Byzantine Catholic Eparchy of Parma, Father Marek Visnovsky will be talking about how icons are made and the symbolism behind each stage of the process - for kids!



A website containing an abundance of articles on icons and their meanings. It is very useful for anyone with questions as to why certain elements are featured in icons. Many iconographers use this website to make sure they have the traditional features of each icon - plus, it’s nice to know what each part of the icon means.



This website contains links to videos and books about how icons are made and how embroidered icons are made. It is immensely helpful for new iconographers to get an idea for what goes in to writing these holy art forms. It is operated by Fr. and Mat. Tregubov, who also contributed their wisdom to the 2023 Children’s Calendar!




The nature of the icon cannot be grasped by means of pure art criticism, nor by the adoption of a sentimental point of view. Its forms are based on the wisdom contained in the theological and liturgical writings of the Eastern Orthodox Church and are intimately bound up with the experience of contemplative life.

The introduction into the meaning and the language of the icons by Ouspensky imparts to us in an admirable way the spiritual conceptions of the Eastern Orthodox Church which are often so foreign to us, but without the knowledge of which we cannot possibly understand the world of the icon.

"It is not the purpose of the icon to touch its contemplator. Neither is it its purpose to recall one or the other human experience of natural life; it is meant to lead every human sentiment as well as reason and all other qualities of human nature on the way to illumination."

Click HERE to find this book at SVS Press.



In recent years there has been a sort of 'rediscovery' of icons by Western Christians. There is an increasing awareness that the icon is not merely a work of art, but is also an aspect of diving revelation and of our communing with God in the Church. Quenot's analysis of various icons and their theological elements enables the readers to appreciate the various aspects of the icon more fully. Michel Quenot has sketched a brief yet highly descriptive history of iconography together with a discussion of the canons and laws which govern this ancient art form. Translated from the French and already published in eight languages, The Icon: Window on the Kingdom includes 33 color photos and 34 black and white illustrations. Among its many illustrations are included examples of works by modern iconographers, which show the icon to be a living and vital art form, bit outmoded or stagnant. The book also covers historical sources, theological and biblical foundations, iconographic themes, and the icon's role in the life of believers. It includes discussion of current discoveries and recent scholarship from catacomb art through Egyptian, Byzantine, Balkan, Russian and contemporary iconography.

Click HERE to find this book on Amazon.



When the Son of God came down from heaven to become a man like us, He made it possible for us to see Him, touch Him, and make pictures of Him pictures which we call icons. This little book brings God and His saints vividly into children's lives through icons, explaining in the simplest terms what each icon means and what the role of these holy pictures and the holy stories and people they depict can be in our lives. The colorful pages of Pictures of God are perfect for occupying little hands in church, for explaining the world of icons in the first years of Sunday school, and for read-aloud time with little ones at home.

Click HERE to find this book in the Draw Near Designs Shop.


Johnathan Pageau

Wayne Hajos

Andrew Levine

MEET THE MAKER >>New Rome Press

Today we are introducing the priest behind a business that we deeply respect— Newrome Press! We are honored to carry a selection of their books for both children and adults, and everything they produce is made with the utmost care and quality. Now, with no further ado… Fr Michael Monos!


My name is Rev. Fr. Michael Monos. My wife and I are originally from Southern California; we  live in Columbia, Missouri where we serve the parish of St. Luke the Evangelist in the  Metropolis of Chicago, Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. Newrome Press was originally  founded in 2008 while we were serving a parish in Virginia. Ours is an independent publishing  ministry — both Presvytera and my son Matthew are integral co-workers at Newrome Press —  and as such does not represent, nor is it officially affiliated with, any Orthodox jurisdiction.  


Who is your patron saint, and is that a meaningful person in your life?  

I consider myself to be blessed with three patrons: my namesake, the holy Archangel Michael,  my middle namesake, George the Trophy-bearer, and the patron of my ordination date, St.  Nektarios the Wonderworker. I have learned from all of my patrons, especially about courage  and steadfastness before the Lord. I feel blessed to be spiritually joined to them all.  


How did you get started doing what you do now? 

I began actively using computers in 1981 as a youngster, which included exposure to early  word processing systems. My fascination with the presentation of the written word developed  over time, in concert with my developing interest in computer technology. As an undergrad I  worked as an Apple Certified Technician, and began doing side jobs for faculty who required  assistance with preparing manuscripts for publication. I typeset my first book for one of my  undergraduate professors using v1 of Framemaker in 1990. I continue to have a deep interest  in bookmaking and its intersection with technology. 

What is your favorite part of what you do? 

I experience the greatest joy when serving before the Holy Table and celebrating the divine  mysteries as a servant of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. My favorite part of running an  Orthodox press is to produce meaningful content beautifully presented, which spiritually edifies  my brothers and sisters in Christ.  


What is an aspect of being a small business owner that is a struggle for you?  

Producing a high-quality product means sourcing manufacturing from overseas. There is  simply no domestic manufacturer who can meet our standards for quality with our modest  resources. In 2020, due to COVID, overseas procurement and logistics became more stressful,  costly, and complicated. Currently it is the biggest obstacle that we face. 


What is your favorite project that you have completed? 

In the youth category, it is O is for Orthodox, a.recent addition to our catalog. It was a complex  project that pushed the boundaries of our manufacturing experience. We feel the result is  outstanding. In the general audience category, it is the prayer books Mother of the Light and  Light of the World. Based on the feedback that we have received, these books have been  spiritually transformative for many people. It has been wonderfully gratifying to work together 

with Fr. Maximos Constas, and our incredible artists Vladimir and Pedrag Ilievski to produce  books that become our reader’s companions in life. 


What is your dream product/project for the future?  

There are lots of dream projects percolating in our minds and hearts — we don’t want to ruin  the surprise, so stay tuned! 

You can find a variety of Newrome Press books in our Shop or on his website. Thank you for helping us support our Orthodox brothers and sisters in Christ!